Sidas ––
Run / Walk
It is essential to prepare your feet, because they are the ones that are in contact with the ground and that will carry you to your destination. The key is preparation…
28 bones, 16 joints, 107 ligaments, 27 muscles… The foot is a masterpiece. A phenomenal machine. An intricate web of parts. An expert design created by Mother Nature. However, the risk of injury is real, something which 80% of runners have already bitterly experienced. Why? Primarily because with every stride and every impact, our foot must absorb 8 times our weight.
28 bones, 16 joints, 107 ligaments, 27 muscles… The foot is a masterpiece. A phenomenal machine. An intricate web of parts. An expert design created by Mother Nature. However, the risk of injury is real, something which 80% of runners have already bitterly experienced. Why? Primarily because with every stride and every impact, our foot must absorb 8 times our weight.
Thinking in the long term and look to the future with ambition. Protecting your feet from the risk of injury in such a particularly traumatic sport is a priority. We offering a global solution for foot care is a response.
Thinking in the long term and look to the future with ambition. Protecting your feet from the risk of injury in such a particularly traumatic sport is a priority. We offering a global solution for foot care is a response.
Good socks and an adapted insole are the promise of pain-free feet, with a significant reduction in the risk of blisters. The runner can then focus solely and serenely on his effort, the fluidity of his stride, his pleasure… and that’s where performance is born!
“Foot comfort brings pleasure and therefore performance!”